Driver status API


Driver status API is returning driver statuses from a DDD (tachograph) file for requested period with additional information.


  • 1000 req/min
  • Maximum period is 3 months

Request parameters

GET /driverstate/{driverId}?from_datetime=<...>&to_datetime=<...>&continuation_token=<..>&limit=<..>&version=1&api_key=<..> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
 ParameterTypeDescriptionIs requiredRemarks
1driverIdstringExternal driver ID+
2from_datetimedate timeFind events starting from specified date+example for format: "2017-04-13T06:58:48.090Z" according ISO-8601
3to_datetimedate timeFind events ending to specified date.+example for format: "2017-04-13T06:58:48.090Z" according ISO-8601
4continuation_tokenintegerContinuation token-
5limitintegerLimits events count in response.-Default -100. Maximum value - 1000
6versionstringversion of API+At this moment we have only version=1
7api_keystringUser identification key+

Response parameters

  "continuation_token": "2022-08-29T12:05:34.770Z",
  "driver_id": "string",
  "items": [
      "activity": "DRIVING",
      "duration": 0,
      "end_point": {
        "lat": 0,
        "lon": 0
      "end_time": "2022-08-29T12:05:34.770Z",
      "object_id": "string",
      "plate_number": "string",
      "start_point": {
        "lat": 0,
        "lon": 0
      "start_time": "2022-08-29T12:05:34.770Z"
continuation_tokenintegerContinuation token is sent when number of events in response exceed limit
driver_idstringExternal driver ID
itemsarrayArray of activities
activitystringDriver state name (driving, work, rest, available, unknown)
durationintegerDriver state duration in sec
end_pointarrayArray for coordinates for state end point
end_timedate timeDriver state end time
object_idstringExternal object ID (assigned to the driver)
plate_numberstringVehicle plate number from DDD file
start_pointarrayArray for coordinates for state start point
start_timedate timeDriver state start time