Get objects groups API

1. Description

Objects groups API is dedicated to output information about user’s objects groups.

2. Limitations

  • 1000 req/min

3. Request parameters

3.1. Get all objects groups

GET /object-groups?api_key=<...>&version=1&limit=<...>&continuation_token=<...> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ParameterTypeDescriptionIs requiredRemarks
versionintegerversion of API+At this moment we have only version=1
limitintegerLimits groups count in response.-Default -100. Maximum value - 1000
continuation_tokenintegerContinuation token-
api_keystringUser identification key+

Response example

    "continuation_token": 1,
    "items": [
        "id": "id12312ds32",
        "name": "name",
        "objects_ids": [

3.2. Get objects group by ID

GET /object-groups/{objects_group_id}?api_key=<...>&version=1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
ParameterTypeDescriptionIs requiredRemarks
objects_group_idstringObjects group identifier+
api_keystringUser identification key+
versionintegerversion of API+At this moment we have only version=1

Response example

    "id": "id12312ds32",
    "name": "name",
    "objects_ids": [

4. Response parameters

continuation_tokenintegerContinuation token is sent when number of objects groups in response exceed limit
itemsarrayContainer for all objects groups
idstringObjects group ID
namestringObjects group name
objects_idsarrayContainer for all objects IDs, what belongs to this group