Travel summary report

Travel summary report – is focused mainly on summarizing trips, mileage, work begin/end locations, and similar. The first thing the user must select is the date range, for which this report will be generated.

Date range – to select a date the user must click the “Choose date range” which will open the calendar panel. The calendar panel is identical in all of FMS. To select a begin/end date the user must simply click the desired date and then click the opposite date. The selected days will be highlighted in blue. The current day is highlighted by a small blue triangle on the top left side of that day. If the current day is selected (highlighted), the triangle will be inverted to white. The maximum date range is 6 months. After a date is selected, it will be displayed in the report summary panel.

The minimal date period is one day. To select one day simply double click the left mouse button on the desired day to select it. Afterward, the user must select based on what will the report be generated on.

Report based on – this setting defines the main target of the report. There are two available options:

  • Drivers;
  • Objects.

What exactly this does is, that the generated report will display information (parameters: trip distance, work begin location, etc.) for the selected target (Drivers or Objects ).  So if Objects are selected, then the report will display information for specifically selected objects.

Objects/Drivers – (Depends on the selection in the “Report based on” option) this allows the user to choose for which objects/drivers the report will be generated.

If Objects are selected, the list will also contain groups of objects. The user can select a whole group by marking the checkbox before the group or click the “+” button to expand the group and see which objects are in the group. To collapse the group, the user must click the “-” button. Individual objects can be selected from a group. It is important to note, if an object that is present in several groups is selected, it will be highlighted in every group as shown below in the picture. If a whole group is selected, the checkbox will be blue with a white tick. If only a part of the group is selected, the group will have a blue square in the checkbox. (shown in the picture below). The user can also use the search, to quickly go through a large list of objects and groups. All groups can be selected/deselected by ticking the checkbox next to “Select all groups”. The number of selected objects and total objects is displayed in the upper right corner of the list.

If Drivers is selected, drivers will be displayed in the drop-down list. To select a driver, the user has to mark the checkbox next to the driver. Marking the checkbox next to Select all will select/deselect all drivers. The list is automatically updated with each symbol typed in the search bar. The number of selected drivers and total drivers is displayed in the upper right corner of the list.

After objects/drivers are selected, the user must select parameters in the Column list. This report will include the following parameters by default:

  • Date – date and weekday, when an entry has some data. cannot be unselected;
  • Work begin date – date and time of first ignition of a day, can be unselected;
  • Work begin location – address of vehicle when ignition was started the first time during a day. cannot be unselected;
  • Work end date – date and time of last ignition of a day, can be unselected;
  • Work end location – address of vehicle when ignition was last turned off the first time during a day. cannot be unselected;
  • Mileage in the begin – mileage at the beginning of a work day, can be unselected;
  • Mileage in the end – mileage at the end of the work day, can be unselected;
  • Passed mileage – mileage traveled during the workday, can be unselected;
  • Fuel consumed – amount of fuel consumed during the work day in liters, can be unselected;
  • Average fuel consumption.

Optional parameters that can be selected:

  • Business trip mileage;
  • Driver signature – includes an empty field in the report where the driver can leave a signature;
  • Drivers – drivers name;
  • Idling duration;
  • Private trip mileage;
  • Total worked duration – total amount of working hours for all selected days;
  • Work trip mileage;
  • Working hours – the duration of the working day;
  • Stop time working hours – periods when the ignition was turned off during work hours.

After selecting the parameters in the column list, the user can enable or disable the report summary.

Show days without entries – disabled by default; will include days into the report, that have no entries.

Show plate number – disabled by default; this option will include the plate number of the vehicle in the report.

Show report summary – enabled by default; this option will include a summary section in the report. This will summarize all information in the report. After the report summary selection, the user can select to show days without entries.

To finalize and generate the report, the user must click the Generate button. To cancel the creation of a report the user must either click the Cancel button.